Portfolio > Public Works

this sculpture is based on iconic Chinese cast iron bells and iron vessels
fero concrete
144" x 120" x 120"
Mara is one of the goddess series she is  a granite sculpture located at Pedvale Open Air Museum
84"36"x 20"
Mara is one of the goddess series based on an early pagan goddess of the Latvian culture;
an abstract figure Located at Grounds for Sculpture in New Jersey U.S.A.
cast iron, copper and brass
168" x 40" x38"
A cast iron sculpture located at the Baltic Sea Center in Finland
Cast Iron
A lime stone carving located in Israel
144" x56"x 24"
Large out door cast iron sculpture celabrating Mid-summer night  at Pedvale Open Air Museum in Latvia
Cast Iron and Granite
78" dia
Cast Iron and granite Sculpture based on the  myth of Isis and Osiris, located at Pedvale open air Museum in Latvaia
Cast Iron and Granite
78"x 78"x 76"
A large cast iron sculpture, in Pirkkala Finland, using an abstracted Raven to personify the  night
Cast Iron and Glass
Inside the dome of "Night"
Cast Iron and Glass
Based on the biblical story of Susanna and the Elders located in Parnu, Estonia
Cast Iron
18'x 2' x3'
locate dat Pedvale Open Air Museum
Glass, Stone, Earth
30' x30'x 75'
Abava Venus
concrete and stone
144" x 50" x46"

Large scale sculptures located in Sculpture parks and other public venues around the globe